Monday, August 15, 2011

Carly's third birthday!

After our crazy weekend of camping and parades, we got home and headed off to Carly's third birthday party! The girls had a great time, but mom was beat! Libby and the birthday girl.






Hiding in the tent.





Carly in her birthday present from us.

Mmm, cake. Happy Birthday, Carly!

Tualatin Crawfish Festival!

We had promised the girls that they could be in the Crawfish Festival parade again this year. Of course, when we said that, we didn't know that it would be the same weekend as the annual Silver Falls camping trip! It made for a busy and crazy weekend. We camped Thursday night and played all day Friday, then headed for home about 8 pm on Friday night. The girls were sound asleep before we had gone 10 miles, so we carried them to bed. We got up early on Saturday morning and were at the Kmart parking lot with donuts at 8 am to help get the float for Happy Hearts ready.

Bill putting his engineers skills to work to get the palm tree to stand up.

Crystal helping the kids get ready.

Mandy and Cassie!

Crystal and Mrs. Tank.

Abby all ready to go.


Daddy in Abby's hat. She took this picture.

Libby having some Froot Loops for breakfast.

Everybody in!



Too cute!

Throwing candy to the masses!