Saturday, October 16, 2010

Corduroy comes to visit!

I went to pick Abby up from school on Tuesday and found that we had a guest for the next couple of days. Abby's kindergarten class has a stuffed Corduroy bear that each kid gets to take home for a three day visit during the school year and this week was Abby's turn. Corduroy comes with several change of clothes, a towel for his bath, a blanket, and a toothbrush (which we promptly lost and had to buy a replacement before he returned to school). Corduroy also comes with a journal to record his adventures during his visit. We took the following pictures and added them to the journal.
Abby and Corduroy having a snack in Starbucks.

Libby wanted to play with Corduroy too.

Corduroy watching Abby get a haircut.

Abby, Libby, and Corduroy playing at the park.

...and, Libby's off.

Corduroy basking in the sun.

Corduroy and Abby at her swimming lessons.

Asleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed after a long day of adventuring.

Night, night.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trip to North Bend

Abby had her first teacher in-service day on Friday, October 8th and since I haven't gone back to work yet, I decided to take the girls to North Bend to visit Grandma and Gramps for a couple of days. Here is Libby playing on Gramps's tractor. She loves that thing.

Abby, Libby, and Aunt Rhonda dug all of these potatoes in Grandma's garden. We had some for dinner that night.

Libby had a big day.

Relaxing in the "pond".

Libby riding the little tractor.