Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cake! Cupcakes!!

The week before last, Abby and I had a two-evening project: cupcakes and cake.

On Wednesday we mixed up and baked the goods, (Abby did all of the pouring into the mixer, and cracked 2 of the three eggs!) We let them cool overnight, and then frosted everything the next night after swim lessons.

April 22, 2010: Take your Daughter to work day!

I was pleased last week when my in-box had an email from corporate that they were doing "Take Your Child to Work Day" again this year. They didn't do it last year, (even though Abby was probably too little then anyway,) and I was really hoping it happened this year.

We walked in from where I park, (way out in the lot,) along the Willamette, into the building and to the security desk to get Abby her badge:

Then on to my cube to unpack her gear. (I've never taken this much stuff to work ever.) Abby did a quick inventory of DVDs, as I promised to let her watch one, (w/her earphones on,) after lunch.

I took her around to meet my boss and co-workers. My friend Ben had brought his daughter Ellie, (5,) in with him. I'll have to see if he has any pictures of the two of them together, because I totally spaced it! They got on well together, and had a good time.

I took Abby on a quick tour of the building , including a trip out to the front to see one of our trucks that was on display.

On the way back to my desk, we took a quick walk down to the Willamette. "No Abby, we can not make sand castle today. We're here to work. Well, I'm here to work."

Hard to resist that level of cuteness though.

We ate lunch together in the cafeteria: Pizza for the big girl, taco salad for yours truly. Abby got to sit at the big kids table with some of my friends and I.

After lunch, we took another walk, and Abby was ready to lay down and take a break. She chose a Backyardigans DVD and curled up under my desk. I wished that I'd brought my own pillow.

At the end of the day, (in this case, 2:30,) Abby and I headed home. Walking back out to the car we saw a couple lizards basking in the afternoon warmth on some benches along the path. We headed downtown to pick up Kricket, then all headed out together to pick up Libby.

I'm looking forward to doing this again next year.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Since Lent is over and Bill is back to eating pizza, we had Papa Murphy's for dinner for the first time in months. This is what happens when I leave pizza on the dining room table and leave the room for a minute. In case you can't tell, that's a big piece of pepperoni in Libby's hand. There is no way anyone can question who her daddy is.


Bill's aunt Paula stopped by the other day and delivered the girls' Christmas presents. I know what you're thinking, "It's April", but it worked out great, since the girls weren't totally overwhelmed with all their other presents and got to really enjoy the stuff she brought them. They got some wonderful clothes and toys. Abby demanded that they wear their matching owl pajamas to bed that night. They were so cute I just had to snap some pictures.

Hoo Who?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Good progress yesterday.

Yesterday morning, I dismantled the tree house on the deck, and started cutting the OSB siding to fit.

I'm going to leave the siding off this wall, (facing into the back yard,) so I can continue to pass things, (ladders, wood, etc.,) through more easily.

Street side wall.

Cutting siding for the door-wall.

The next task was to get the walls up on to the platform. I started with the back wall, 8' x 8', no windows, (as it faces the back yard of one of our neighbors. I leaned it up against the platform and then shoved it up onto the platform. Once there, I stood it up and tied it off to a tree trunk.

Next was the street side wall, (which is already laying down on the platform in the picture above.) I used the same procedure as before, and tied it off. I then screwed both of these walls down to the platform, and then to each other.

Next, the other sloped wall.

And last, the back yard wall. I way over built this wall, (it was the first one I did, back in December,) and even though it was the shortest, it was the heaviest!

Looking pretty good!

Next I started putting up the siding, street side first.

And then the opposite side.

Next: finish putting on the siding. Move the roof section over near the tree house, and then put the roofing material on it, (plywood, felt, and roll-roofing.) Then use the winch to yard that heavy beast up to the top.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tree house update...

Bill spent all day working on the tree house and is now headed to bed (it is 8:20 pm). He says he's really tired and sore, but promises to blog about the progress tomorrow.

Friday, April 9, 2010

More swimming pictures!

The pool where Abby takes her swimming lessons is pretty dark, so the pictures of her in the water from the first class didn't turn out very well. Grandma and I went to watch this week and I got a lot closer to take the pictures. Abby is still really liking the lessons...well, except for having to hold on to the wall at all times.

Jumping into the pool. Abby is an expert at this, because she and Bill practice every chance they get.

Holding onto the wall...even if she doesn't want to.

Working on the tree house

After being sick last weekend, and not doing any work on the tree house I was happy to get back to work on it this afternoon.

I built up the roof frame, and then cut the plywood pieces to fit it.

Libby thought it was pretty fun to come out and go underneath the roof.

After that, I built up the remaining wall and then fastened all the walls together temporarily. I drug the roof frame around to the side in preparation to pulling it up into position to make sure everything fits.

I'm kicking myself now for not taking some picture of putting the roof on! Frank and Delphine came up to visit and brought their Pullz-all for me to use, (which I should have remembered when I put the frame up in the tree!)

You can see the Pullz-all laying on the deck below.

Everything fits well, which is always nice. The birdsmouth notches I cut into the rafters sit right on the walls.

Now I just have to take this...

...and put it up there!

Next on the list is to knock it back down, and cut the OSB panels I have to fit the walls. That will be a lot easier to do on the deck, than when it's up in the tree!

Below is the pile of cut pieces that I'm starting to amass. The stained glass window is one that Frank found at a garage sale a year or so ago, and will be installed above the entry door.

Abby and I were brainstorming some treehouse features last night. It sounds like we'll have a trap door in the floor leading to a secret compartment, Millennium Falcon style!